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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Watch 'I Am'

Those of us who were involved in the making of 'I Am' in any little way will know why this film is important. We hung by the thread literally, especially Onir and Sanjay. My reasons for co-producing 'I Am' is not half as significant as the reality it chose to portray through a film that just states life the way it is, no conclusions, no future promises. 

In an expression of thoughts and emotions, the movie speaks to you, not of normal speakable things but of the unspeakable that is swept under the carpet, buried underground and loses its whispered protests in every day life.

Acclaimed and awarded the highest honour of best Ntional Award for Best Hindi Feature Film among others the film reaches out globally with multi-lingual sub-titles. It even bags the National Award for the Best Lyrics. Ah yes, it was well-deserved and it made my year! 

Want to know more? Visit the website I Am and step into reality...nay, four realities.

Watch it!

- Sandy
Picture Courtesy - Anticlock Films

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